Sunday, November 24, 2013

Gluten and why it is bad and a surprise!

Gluten is bad. When I tried to get it again I suffered. My tummy hated it. My skin hated it. (Had flare ups) My taste buds hated it. No more. 

Fruit is good. Only organic chicken and farm raised beef if at all possible. Pork is good too. Don't forget fresh vegetables organic if at all possible. Get a lot of green because green is good.


Monday, November 11, 2013


Superfood Salad Recipe

salad ingredients:
1 bunch of kale, leaves chopped kinda small
1 broccoli branch/segment, florets finely chopped
juice of 1 lime
salt and pepper (I used Himalayan pink salt–any old salt is fine)
1 small beet (red or golden or striped), thinly sliced
1 carrot, thinly sliced
1 ripe avocado, peeled + sliced
1-2 sprigs of basil, chopped
handful of blueberries

blueberry ginger dressing ingredients:
heaped 1/4 cup blueberries
1/2 inch piece of ginger, peeled + chopped
2 tbsp raw apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp maple syrup
big splash of water
salt + pepper
1/4 cup oil (grapeseed or extra virgin olive oil)

omega seed sprinkle ingredients:
handful sunflower seeds
handful pumpkin seeds
1-2 tbsp flax seeds
1-2 tbsp chia seeds
1-2 tbsp hemp seeds
handful of puffed quinoa (or puffed millet, brown rice etc)
pinch of ground coriander
pinch of salt

In a large bowl, massage the kale and chopped broccoli with the lime juice, salt and pepper. Keep massaging until the leaves seem a bit more tender. Taste a leaf for seasoning, adjust and set aside. Chop and prep all of the other salad ingredients and set aside.

Make the dressing: combine all of the ingredients in a blender and blend on high until you have a creamy and unified mixture. Check for seasoning and sweetness, adjust and set aside.

In a medium sauté pan, combine all of the omega seed sprinkle ingredients over medium heat. Stir them around here and there until they smell toasty and the coriander is a bit more prominent. Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly.

Arrange the massaged kale and broccoli on your serving plate. Top the greens with the beets, carrots, avocado, chopped basil, and blueberries. Season the whole thing with salt and pepper again. Stir up the dressing (it should have thickened a bit) and drizzle it all over the top and garnish the salad with the omega seed sprinkle. Serve it up!

What is PALEO?

Okay this is something I have been trying to do. Paleo. Now if you don't know what it goes

Mostly it is not eating any bread or wheat of any kind and rather eating lots of protein and fruits and veggies.

Some do not add dairy either. Also stay away from processed foods!

I have been experimenting with this diet. This week I have eaten alot of protein that means I have had alot of steak and pork. 

But sadly I do not think my digestion likes it. Next week I am going to focus on fruits and veggies only and see how that goes. 

Paleo lifestyle is one of the healthiest things you can do for your body. It is really not that hard giving up bread and wheat. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lemons to remove moles and skintags

 I was doing some research the other day on natural ways to get rid of moles and skin tags. If you don't know what skin tags are they are pieces of skin that hang off you. I don't know how else to describe them.  They are kind of like moles.

I had this wart come up on my face. Yuk. I have no idea how it got there. Maybe because I went out in the sun WITHOUT putting Coconut Oil on. Anyway it was ugly. I wanted it gone. First I tried slathering my face with Coconut Oil everyday and rubbing at it. That didn't seem to work. 

Then I saw this research on using lemon juice to get it to loosen up so you could easily remove it. Something about the acid in the lemon. So I started doing that! It was really easy and in a few days I removed most of it and what is left right now is a tiny itty bitty spot on my face. LEMON JUICE WORKS! 

So if you have moles you hate or warts or skin tags of any kind start putting some lemon juice on them and watch them go away. 

And believe me this wart was kind of gross looking on my face. I didn't want that. Now it is gone. 


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Coconut Oil cleansing tastebuds

I am back to tell more good things about Coconut Oil

I have been swishing with coconut oil for several months now and I have noticed big changes in the way food tastes. I can really taste how horrible fast food tastes along with processed foods of any kind. 

Its like now all of the crappy food out there tastes crappy! LOL But seriously it does. I once liked processed foods. But now I do not. I did fall off the wagon of good foods for about a week but none of it tasted good. I know what you are thinking now. Why did you eat it then?

Good question. I don't know. That is my only answer. But I can seriously tell you if you swish daily with Unrefined Coconut Oil for 20 minutes and spit it out you will notice a BIG CHANGE IN THE WAY FOOD TASTES.

Give it a shot. It can do nothing but GOOD THINGS for you!

I fell off the wagon

I have confirmed my deepest fear about wheat. I cannot digest it properly.

For the past week or so I have eaten the dreaded wheat. I wanted to see if I am actually what I think I am. Not digesting wheat properly and also it makes me itch!

I have been eating wheat for the past week and ugh! It is so bad that I know now I can never eat it again.

I will be honest with you. I just wanted a pot pie. This is something I once ate as a kid and remember loving it so much. What was wrong with me?

I bought not one package of pot pies but 2! Inside each box were 4, so in total I had 8 pot pies over the course of about a week. 

I also had 4 slices of pizza that I ate in the course of 2 days. Thats not all. I also had some of those frozen cookies that you just stick in the oven? 

Torture is all I can say. It left me feeling down and I had problems with digestion. It was horrible.

I feel like I fell off the wagon! But instead of alcohol it was wheat that I went back to.

Never again. Tomorrow I am getting some organic apples and some fresh green beans and some organic tangerines..I have never had organic tangerines so I am excited about that. I am also getting some NY strips. 

For dessert? Some extra dark chocolate.

I do not want to put my body under such torture again. And, the pot pies were not as I remembered. They didn't taste that good at all. 

Im getting back on the wagon of no wheat and no processed foods.  Just when I was noticing a visible change in my body, I messed up but we all do and then we get back up and do the right thing. 

At least that is what I do.

Sunday, November 3, 2013



This is something I do everyday. I put about a teaspoon more or less of unrefined coconut oil in my mouth upon rising out of bed and swish! Just swish the oil around  your mouth for 20 minutes.

I know this sounds like a long time but you will be amazed at the results. 

What is it good for?

1. Your teeth! It strengthens them and gets rid of gingivitis. Your dentist will be amazed and so will you! It also whitens your teeth!

2. Your sinuses! Do you have problems with your sinuses? Well then oil pulling is for you! It will clear you up with the very first time you do it. Don't believe me? Give it a try then!

3. Your throat! Yep if you have a sore throat oil pulling is for you. Don't ever swallow it though because it is carrying all that bacteria that you swished around your mouth! But it will get rid of a sore throat. Give it a try already!

4. Your entire body! Yep you heard me right. Oil pulling is one of the healthiest things you can do for your body. Because you have to understand that your teeth absorb everything that you put in your mouth. When you put unrefined coconut oil in your mouth with its antimicrobial properties, it actually disinfects your body and does a detox on your entire system.

Hope I got your attention and you go out and buy some unrefined coconut oil. You can get it at Sams Club along with Publix but Sams has a better deal. You can also order it online.

Friday, November 1, 2013

More about Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is great as a moisturizer. The absolute best. It can cure skin problems too. Make sure to get the unrefined coconut oil. Also it can be used when you go out into the sun. It will filter the bad UVs and keep the good UVs. Sunscreen is actually very toxic and contains many bad chemicals.

So get the coconut oil out and use it as you would lotion. See what results you get with softer skin. You also get the nutrients from the coconut because everything you put on your skin is absorbed. Your skin is one big organ.

Rheam! (new word I learned that is British slang) means. great or real.