Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Digestive issues?

Lets get down to brass tactics. You really are what you eat. If you are having digestive issues it is something you are eating. It could be the dreaded wheat that you need to stay away from. Do you remember in elementary school making homemade glue? What did you make it out of? Flour and water! That is wheat! So if it makes glue than it must make it in your tummy also!!

So if you are having digestive issues it is either the wheat or it could be dairy.

I have recently cut out my yogurt because It was actually making my bloating worse which is really crazy because yogurt is supposed to make bloating go away. I don't know. All I do know is that when I cut the yogurt out, my bloating went away. So I guess I could be lactose intolerant and we will speak of that on a later post.

Heres to good digestion!

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