Thursday, October 10, 2013

Food can make you THIN

                          FOOD can make you THIN                                   

Seriously it can.

Think about food for a minute. What is your favorite food? Mine was once bread. The dreaded bread that makes my digestion all out of wack. FORGET bread. It is so bad for you and also can make you FAT.

How about MILK? Sorry folks but for the most part milk is bad for you too. Dairy can make you inflamed and can make you bloat. Even the organic milk isn't that great.

Lets get to the good stuff.

Greens can make you thin. Anything green pretty much. Look at the vegetables at your grocery store and stock up on green. It is so good for your digestion also. It can cure cancer along with making you THIN.


Yes I am back to coconut oil. It is loaded with GOOD FATS. This good fat will make you thin and fit! The bad fat on your body will just dissolve away and leave you with a nice lean body. Eat it right out of the jar, cook with it, however you do it make sure it is UNREFINED and ORGANIC.

I have been seeing research on eating the vegetarian way of diet as the healthiest way to go and to get rid of cancer and prevent it. Hmmm.. I might have to give it a shot. Wouldn't hurt.


Yeah, butter! It is a good fat! I have been seeing on all my health pages that it is better to use GHEE which is basically heating up your butter and skimming off the fat that floats to the top and discarding that. I don't want to do that so I will just stick with butter! I so need to get the organic.

Here were just a few tips on how eating right can get you thin and fit. I said it FIT. That means no exercise guys!! I know that sounds crazy but it is true. But saying that, getting outside for at least 30 minutes a day and taking a nice brisk walk is good for the heart and the brain.


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