Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Stay away from processed food

This should be easy. Staying away from processed food. It really shouldn't be that hard to do.

Do not eat out at fast food places. Just do not do it. If you must go out, pick somewhere that serves organic if possible. If that can't happen than at least pick somewhere that prepares their food on site and it is from fresh produce and meats.

When you shop at the grocery store stay in outer corners of the store that is usually where the fresh produce and meats are located. Stock up on organic eggs and butter and then pick out lots of organic veggies and fruits. If you are a meat eater pick out hormone free chicken and organic meat. Stay away from cured meats because they are just not good for you. In one study I read if a teenager consumes over 8 hotdogs in a month they could be at a much higher risk for Leukemia. Scary stuff and I never liked hotdogs that much anyway. But any type of cured meat would fall into this category.

What are hot dog eaters exposed to? Hot dogs and other "cured" meat products typically contain chemical additives such as sodium nitrite, a color and anti-bacterial preservative that has long been suspected as promoting cancer.

What can we eat that is good for us?

Think fresh and vibrant. Think so tasty. Think just makes you feel good.

Fresh organic fruits

Fresh farm raised antibiotic and hormone free meat

Organic veggies, the green kind are the best. Eat away at as many veggies as possible! I love to roast mine in the oven with Himalayan Sea Salt and organic Coconut Oil.

Avocados are super good for you too and yes they are green!

Sweet potatoes are the right way to go. No to the white ones. Just stay away from anything white in food and you will be doing great! 


Stay away from processed foods. I even read a study that they are using wood in processed food as a filler. I was like that is scary stuff. Then someone I personally know works at a fast food joint and they found a piece of wood in the food as they were preparing it. It is brought to them from wherever and it is bagged to be served to us.

Processed food is a big NO NO for your health.


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