Sunday, October 27, 2013

Unprocessed Honey

Get unprocessed honey! It is so good for you. Stay away from the honey in the grocery store because most likely it is all processed.

Unprocessed honey is great for allergies because if you buy..local honey...than it will combat your allergies because the honey is from around your area!!

Just take 1 teaspoon a day and watch your allergies disappear!

It is also good if you are feeling under the weather or have a cold. I caught something, not sure what and I have been taking my local honey and my unrefined coconut oil daily. Along with getting a lot of rest.

I should be feeling better in a day or so! I can already tell it is starting to break up.

I also swish with coconut oil daily for 20 minutes and that gets rid of everything that built up on  your teeth while you were sleeping. Do not swallow the oil but treat it like mouthwash and spit it out with all the bad stuff that was lurking in your mouth!

To feeling great!

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